dialogical talkbox

This session, within the TRADERS Training Week I organized (TW5), explored how 12 participant-speakers from diverse realms (researchers, youth, members of the public) could give a lecture with 24 voices in a non-hierarchical but structured ‘checkerboard’ pattern (see the fifth page of Appendix 12 in the TW5 program booklet). Highly prompted expressions were counterposed with as many highly undetermined. Participants were asked, some weeks in advance, two separate questions: “What if children owned parts of the city?” and “Who are you?”, and asked to respond through separate 1-2 minute presentations. The first question was highly specific and speculative, and elaborated in a short description, while the second was quite open (we invited participants to present themselves, their current project, interests, inspirations, especially as they relate to art, design and/or the city).

The first question intended to draw a diverse range of reactions to the idea of a new type of community land trust: a network of land owned and operated by children and youth. This experiment was similar to AD2077 in its intention of weaving in a utopian layer. The thought was also to potentially connect to a longer project in coordination with the case which follows.

program booklet [pdf – 0.5mb]

Dialogical talkbox. [Workshop]. TRADERS Training Week #5: Modelling in Dialogue (TW5). 23-25 May 2016, Gothenburg.